Many girls in Uganda drop out of school involuntarily due to unwanted pregnancies. . Even after giving birth, these girls cannot go back to school. At such a tender age, some of them are forced to marry the same men who defiled them while others are forced to take responsibility of their children and are resigned to a life of domestic chores.
Apart from the exclusion from school and termination of all opportunities for self-development, such girls are at risk of unsafe abortions, infection with HIV and other STDs. Meanwhile, as the girl suffers these consequences, most times the father of the child is left unaccountable. There is therefore need for education interventions among young mothers to rescue them from the above social vices they end up into prostitution .
One of the objectives of Zoe Mentorship organization is to re-integrate young mothers from act of prostitution that had dropped out as a result of early pregnancies, to reduce on the high levels of school drop outs due to unwanted pregnancies, to improve the standards of living of young mothers and their babies, to reduce on the high level of illiteracy among women as a result of dropping out of schools due to unwanted pregnancy, to give them hope for the future after conception and delivery, to beef up self esteem among the young mothers as a result of education
For $90 a month , you can sponsor a child today, giving them access to basic healthcare so that when they are sick they have somewhere to turn, helping them with educational costs because school is beyond the means of their family, and providing the hope of the gospel through discipleship programs and leadership training, where every child is known, cared for, and shown the love of Jesus
We endeavor to meet their physical, social, economic and spiritual needs, as part of our holistic approach to childcare and empowerment. We encourage all children under our care to explore, discover and develop their gifts and talents and to pursue those gifts and dreams to become fulfilled God-fearing adults..