Empowering Communities

Empowering Communities

here are many communities in Uganda that have critical, unmet needs. Majority of the people especially single mother living in Slum Areas and Remote Villages of Uganda are suffering and lucking lots of things in their daily life, such as food, clothes, water, beddings, shoes, medical services, education among others

Through our Zoe Mentorship organization we chose to work with local affiliated churches and leaders, reaching various vulnerable communities across Uganda with aid. We share the hope of Jesus Christ and providing access to daily needs

We are asking that you consider joining us with prayers and donation to support the cause. You may choose to Volunteer with us and physically give a helping hand, or to make a Donation towards the cause. We collect donations and receive tangible items through out the year

We appreciate everyone who gives us the gift of their time. Wherever you physically volunteer, you will make a difference! If you feel God leading you to partner with us for donation pick-ups or more information please contact us

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